Kamis, 08 Maret 2012


L: about three days ago, before arriving in Japan, i dreamt that… i was moving forward riding a robot. Then about 2o dogs appeared and surrounded me.
AP : Did you run away?
L: I didn’t. I also don’t know why i just stood there. Not long after that, I woke up. This is my mysterious dream.
Hoya: I haven’t been dreaming because I heven’t been sleeping well. I’m so tired once i lie down on the bed, i fall into a deep sleep immediately.
SJ: Recently, i keep having dreams like this; i’s be standing alone at a high place, hesitating if i should jump. In korea, they say if you jump, you’ll grow taller. So I’m considering if i want to jump.
WH: My dreams really disgusting. I dreamt that many worms and insects appeared and attacked me. 
SY: I dreamt that i was flying.
AP: Were you happy?
SG: I wasn’t. I fell from the sky: it was a little scary.
DW: I played car racing with the members
SY: What’s the result?
DW: I won!!
SG: I had a dream i fought with Dongwoo.
DW: I remember that story.*laugh
SG: After I woke up , somehow i thought it was real and didn’t want to talk to Dongwoo. Then I called Sungyeol to talk to Dongwoo because I can’t talk to him directly. But Sungyeol said ‘what are you talking about? You didn’t quarrel with Dongwoo.’
AP: Then you know it was a misunderstanding?
SG: At that time, Sungyeol explained to me and then i realized it was a dream. After that i returned back to reality feeling afresh. *laugh
AP: it’s hard to imagine.
SY: I got shocked too.
DW: I’m really thankful that Sungyeol told the truth.*laugh

are their dreams twisted or what?
Source: infinite-for-inspirit.b
CREDIT: uniuniuna

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