Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

[IU] 120306 Tokyo Girls Collection 2012 S/S - Model Press Interview [INTERVIEW]

Good job with the event. Could you share with us how you feel after performing your Japanese debut single “Good Day” on the TGC stage?
A: I’m so glad to meet my Japanese fans! I was really nervous to perform live in front of such a large audience.

IU is always wearing lovely stage costumes, but what’s special about your costume this time?

A: People wear a lot of ribbons around here. The Rakuchin fashion style is usually my favourite.

You went shopping in Harajuku, so I thought you should have quite a lot of feminine clothes. Is there any Japanese artist whom you respect?

A: I like Nakashima Mika and Utada Hikaru!

You’re called “the nation’s little sister” in Korea, but what would you like to be known as in Japan?

A: I think I would like to become a singer that will be acknowledged for her vocals regardless of geographical boundaries.

Currently in Japan, there is a lot of attention on Korean beauty and fashion. Could you share with us some of your beauty tips?

A: After washing my face, I lightly apply some lotion using cotton pads.

I think it’s important to drink lots of water and get lots of sleep as well. Finally, a word to your Japanese fans?

A: Everyone, please be careful not to catch a cold. My Japanese debut single ‘Good Day’ will be released soon, so please give your support!

Thank you.

Translation: squishyblob @ weheartiu
credit goes to:  iu-jjang

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